
What does riley learn in inside out the movie
What does riley learn in inside out the movie

what does riley learn in inside out the movie

The five islands of personality-I liked their choices a lot. That's where you just have to simplify for the sake of artistic narrative.

what does riley learn in inside out the movie

What did you think of the visual representation of it all-the islands, the memory balls, etc.? People say they get it, but once you portray that artistically, then people are crying and struck by the existential truth of that notion. Memory is imperfect, that's OK, and emotions are part of the reconstruction of the past. It's so interesting: You may think your memories are a factual representation of events, but in fact we lose a lot of information. How did the filmmakers do in portraying the malleability of emotions? There were moments in the film when sadness would touch a memory and it would become partially blue, or in some cases entirely blue. (Photo: University of California-Berkeley) They guide us in our handling of really important life circumstances, like moves and developmental changes.ĭacher Keltner. One, are really critical to how we look at the world-our perception and our attention and our memories and our judgment. Well, I think that the film really got a couple of big ideas about emotions right. Let's start really broad: What did the film get right? Second was answering Pete's emails, which he literally still sends me to this day, where he asks me really specific science-based questions-like, what is joy, in terms of its physiology?


Pete called me up like five years ago and said, "I want to talk to you about this idea for a movie all about emotion." My involvement really had a couple of different pieces: One was to visit Pixar and meet with Pete's core creative team and just talk about science, talk about what we know, talk about the brain, talk about expression.

what does riley learn in inside out the movie

He was talking about other Pixar films and how they portray emotions. I was asked to be on a panel about expression with Paul Ekman. I met Pete Docter at an Association for Psychological Science conference seven or eight years ago. So take me to the beginning: How did you get involved with the making of Inside Out?

What does riley learn in inside out the movie